Flower Farm & Eco Florist offering sustainably grown, naturally wild flowers for all occasions!

Small Seasonal Bouquet


Our Small Handtied Bouquets include shorter stem tulips, narcissi, ranunculus, spring blossoms and foliage. Summer bouquets include cornflower, feverfew, cosmos, scabious, larkspur and late summer bouquets contain sunflowers, statice, strawflowers, dahlias and lots of other gorgeous blooms.

All packaging is recyclable or biodegradable. All flowers are grown right here in Tetchill, Ellesmere.

Please allow 24 hours notice before delivery to allow time for picking, conditioning and arranging.


Our Small Handtied Bouquets include shorter stem tulips, narcissi, ranunculus, spring blossoms and foliage. Summer bouquets include cornflower, feverfew, cosmos, scabious, larkspur. Late summer bouquets may contain sunflowers, statice, strawflowers, dahlias, grasses, asters, and more.

All handtied bouquets come with coloured tissue, paper wrapping and a raffia bow – making this a lovely gift. All packaging is recyclable or biodegradable. All flowers are grown right here in Tetchill, Ellesmere.

Please allow 24 hours notice before delivery to allow time for picking, conditioning and arranging.

Delivery/ Collection Options :

FREE Collection from Tetchill, Ellesmere SY12 9AZ

FREE delivery within 2 miles of Tetchill including Ellesmere Town, Hordley, Lee, Perthy, Lower Frankton, Newnes.

£5 DELIVERY CHARGE to Welshampton, Colemere, Lyneal, Cockshutt, Whittington, Lower Hordley, Dudleston Heath.

£8 DELIVERY CHARGE to Harmer Hill, St Martins, Hordley, Queens Head, Penley, Oswestry, Bronnington, Northwood, Bettisfield.

Additional information

Collection/ Delivery

£5 Delivery to outer Ellesmere, FREE Collection from Tetchill, FREE delivery within Ellesmere town, £8 Delivery to further afield